Kempston Fleet Support

To extend the life of its fleet, the Kempston Group operates an in-house workshop which provides professional mechanical and vehicle refurbishing services.

Kempston Fleet Support provides support for the group’s vehicles that are out of warranty as well as defleeted vehicles. When vehicles are defleeted, they undergo a thorough inspection and any mechanical faults are repaired, to ensure that they are in top condition before being sold.

The Fleet division operates as a fully equipped body shop that deals with damages and undertakes major rebuilding of vehicles. We also provide a break down service for all the groups’ fleet vehicles travelling through the region.

A primary function of the Fleet Division is to operate as a training center to up skill youth by providing an apprenticeship in either the mechanical or auto electrical field in petrol or diesel. This initiative runs very successfully which allows us to ensure our mechanics have the right qualifications and skill and we feed the market skilled candidates.

An exciting diversification is the provision of signage services ranging from billboards, wall signage, logo signage and vehicle signage.

Primary facility is in East London and each of our Truck Hire divisions around the country has a workshop facility providing the necessary services.

Contact Us

Kempston Fleet Support is at your service.

  043 701 1800
  043 745 0991
  Northcote Road, Wilsonia, East London
  PO Box 1968, East London, 5200
  8:00AM – 4:30PM

Get In Touch

Fleet Support Location

East London

043 701 1800